Ignite Your Life!

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Tactical Focus Groups of driven people with synergistic objectives that create cohesive opportunities. These groups allow participants to collaborate at various levels within a highly functional network by serving as peers, mentors, or mentees.

Skill TreeTM

Skill TreeTM is your living resume. It is where you identify what skills you possess or need to develop in order to achieve particular objectives in life. Skill TreeTM incorporates aspects of your life and career that your traditional resume would never contain. Cohort assists its users in meticulously processing their current skill set by recognizing what skills they have already developed throughout their personal and professional life while placing emphasis on skills yet to be learned.

Skill Tree<sup>TM</sup>
Life Voyage

Life Voyage

Continuous support through one-on-one mentorship and analysis of your current and future objectives. Life Voyage is a GPS system of your life and career objectives by identifying how your accomplishments & failures have prepared you for what’s ahead. With the support of Skill TreeTM as your living resume, Life Voyage assists individuals in reflecting on their career and personal achievements, struggles, and untapped opportunities. As a GPS, Life Voyage will direct you to where you would like to be, identify where you have been, and what experiences will help you achieve your short and long-term objectives.

Professional Relationship IndexTM

The Professional Relationship Index assesses the effectiveness and overall value of your network. By measuring the diversity and potentiality of your network, Cohort helps you connect to the people who will support and guide you in the pursuit of your life’s purpose.

Professional Relationship Index<sup>TM</sup>
Purpose Practicum<sup>TM</sup>

Purpose PracticumTM

Instead of looking at education in its most typical form, Cohort challenges you to view your life and career as a curriculum. Ask yourself, “what is the typical path to achieve your desired career?” In most cases, you will attend school for a set number of years to set you on a particular career path. But beyond that, are you setting yourself up for success? Cohort will provide you with that practical guidance.

Benefit & Value to Customer


Become a trailblazer in your organization and community.


Find your life’s purpose and act on it.


Develop Mentor-Mentee relationships that take your life and career to the next level.


Prepare yourself for the future and capitalize on your next opportunity.


Diversify your peer and mentor group by meeting individuals in other industries.


Be recognized as a thought-leader and expert in your particular industry.


Develop a new way to convey their skills and knowledge.